
Walter Otto

In this quest you will have seen some of the new technological advancements companies invest in include replacing old and outdated technology, refreshing their cycles with new technology, and reinforcing business growth through modern innovations in IT. Digital transformation also enables your business to keep up with competitors using new technology in the food industry while also reaching a new generation of tech-savvy consumers. In order to do that companies need the best skilled workforce in both digital technologies and have the soft skills to be able to operate in a global arena.

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language that emphasises on code readability. Even at an intermediate level, due to its syntax resembling the English language, you can read through Python code and make some sense of what is going on. It also forces you to write neat code right from the get go and this is an exceptionally useful habit to get into for beginners.

Your computer, however, doesn’t understand Python. Python language uses interpreters, just like you do as human when you don’t understand another language, to translate it. When the code is run, these interpreters will check the syntax, make sure it is all understandable and will then convert it to something that a computer can understand and execute. It is all rather smart. Python is one of the most beginner friendly programme languages which non coders can pick up quickly. 


Niculcea Floris

In this example we will code a project, which replicates the running of a food factory that produces cake.

This project will help you develop an understanding how coding is used in the food industry. As part of the activity participants will design a software in which the factory workers will be able to;

  • Display the list of products
  • Display the ingredient stocklist with quantities and prices
  • Log ingredients that have been used
  • Show stock to be replenished
  • Log quality control results


In the resources section you will find the Python intermediate - Process document, open that and follow the instructions from slide two onwards.

You are also encouraged to look at the link: The Secret to Going Back to Work with Confidence which you will find useful to understand Going back to work after an extended break can be challenging. It’s completely normal to feel anxious or nervous. Maternity leave, an illness, an extended holiday or, of course, the Coronavirus lockdown; just a few examples of situations when you could have been out of your ‘work mindset’ for some time. You will be guided through how to get back into 'work mode' and return with real confidence. Make transition to work as smooth and stress free as possible. Be productive and motivated after an extended break.

Be sure to watch the two videos included in the resorces section titled: What Are Soft Skills? and Hard Skills vs Soft Skills. Both these videos provide you with a clear understanding of what soft and hard skills you need to get back into emloyment or indeed in order to move into more advanced roles.



One of the coolest benefits of learning how to code is the ability to bring your ideas to life. Have a concept for a website, app, or computer game? Now, you can build it exactly how you want, then share it with the world.

You have completed the next menu option in the food management software. You are ready to move on to the advanced level…

Learning Objectives

  • You develop problem solving
  • You must be aware of and apply appropriate coding skills for different requirements or scenarios.
  • You will develop ability to undertake abstract thinking, the ability to think about objects, principles, and ideas that are not physically present.
  • You develop enhanced communication skills
  • You develop team working skills
  • You will develop critical thinking skills.


Click each section below to see all resources available.