
Paul Einerhand

In this quest you will realise COVID-19 was the push many foodservice businesses needed to incorporate digitisation into their business structure. However, digital transformation in the food industry is more than a survival technique during the pandemic. It is the key to success amidst advancing technology and emerging AI assistants in today’s modern society. Digital transformation is crucial to the survival of any business in the 21st century. Learn the details of these digital tools and how you can incorporate them to unlock new possibilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Digital transformation allows you to reach and connect to the new tech-savvy generation.
  • Digitization and using AI save you time and resources through streamlined processes.
  • You can improve each customer’s experience by using social media and business apps.
  • You will unify your business and enhance communication through cloud storage and automation.

It is not enough to learn justcoding to succeed as has been made clear, one also needs the soft skills such as communication and ability to think on thei feet to deliver the best outcome.

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language that emphasises on code readability. Even as at an slightly advanced level, due to its syntax resembling the English language, you can read through Python code and make some sense of what is going on. It also forces you to write neat code right from the get go and this is an exceptionally useful habit to get into for beginners.


Yanapi Senaud

In this example we will code a project, which replicates the running of a food factory that produces cake.

This project will help you develop an understanding how coding is used in the food industry. As part of the activity participants will design a software in which the factory workers will be able to;

  • Display the list of products
  • Display the ingredient stocklist with quantities and prices
  • Log ingredients that have been used
  • Show stock to be replenished
  • Log quality control results


In order to complete this task you will need to go to the resources section and find the document titled: Python Advanced - Process and follow the instructions from slide three onwards.

In the resources section there are documents and videos that will help you complete this task but more importantly you will see some of the additionl skills and knowledge you need to develop and acquire in order to succesfully learn more about Python programme. You are also encouraged to look at the link: which will help you with understanding some of the softer skills you will develop in completing this task. In the documents section open the publication tiltled: "Empowering migrant women through building entrepreneurship skills", this document looks into migrant women leadership and mentoring program that aims to help in developing migrant women competencies that help their successful integration into socio-economic life. The main objectives of the program are to improve employability, social integration and civic engagement of migrant women through development of entrepreneurship competencies and to encourage social integration of migrant women through social participation and mentoring.

Be sure to watch the video titled "3 Tips to boost your confidence TED Talk"; this video will provide you with an insight into how you can develop critical thinking and how to boost your confidence and overcome imposter syndrome.





It’s gratifying to know you can build programs that, until now, you’ve never fully understood. You have gained an entirely new perspective on the technologies in your life and an appreciation for how it all comes together.


You have completed the food management software successfully in Advanced Python. 

Learning Objectives

  • In this example we will code a project, which replicates the running of a food factory that produces cake.
  • This project will help you develop an understanding how coding is used in the food industry. As part of the activity participants will design a software in which the factory workers will be able to;Log ingredients that have been used
  • You develop problem solving. You must be aware of and apply appropriate coding skills for different requirements or scenarios.
  • You will develop enhanced communication skills. Coders must be able to communicate clearly to their team, colleagues, and clients.