

Agriculture and farming have been around, in some form or another, forever. Like with everything else we are always exploring how to make what we do better, how to improve various agriculture processes that result in better seeding and growing of food. A part of this is technological changes – where hundreds of people are creating and developing new creative and innovative solutions for this field through Coding.

This mix of Agriculture and Technology is a known as “Agritech”; and is based on the understanding that every field or industry can be improved with innovative and digital thinking.

The world has changed, and the need to create sustainable solutions is more and more important every day. We cannot wait anymore; solutions need to be created today… and you might be the one developing them. For examples of Agritech ideas, companies and projects please see the link 'Coding and Agriculture: Interesting Agritech Projects'.

This is the beginning of your journey, learning Python, an in-demand language that is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. Programming in Python is as simple as typing an English sentence on your system. Python is also easy to download and install.

At this stage of the course, you will begin learning to Code in Python to replicate the running of a farming or agricultural business software, with the aim of helping you develop Python Coding, an understanding how coding is used in the agricultural industry and the importance of technology in the farming sector.

Please see the link titled 'Python Advantages and Disadvantages – Step in the right direction' in the links section to give you a better insight about Python. Also the video 'What is Python? Why Python is So Popular?' in the resources section is a quick video that gives you an overview of a quick insight into Python.



In this example we will code a project which replicates the running of a farming or agricultural business software.

This project will help you develop an understanding how coding is used in the agricultural industry and the importance of technology in the farming sector. This project should:

View Produce List

View Equipment List and Maintenance Cost

Available Fields

Occupied Fields

Manage Fields

Calculate Profit from Crop Yield

At the Beginner Level,  we are going to allow the user to view our produce list and equipment list on the farm, including maintenance cost, in bold above.

At this level participants will learn more than just a technical skill, they will also learn to further develop a wide range of soft skills that they have from  communication, empathy, creativity and logic skills; and applying them to Coding.

If you need a bit of guidance please see the video 'Write your first Python program in Trinket' which will give you some simple tips to help you with this task.


In order to complete this task, you are required to watch the video in the resources section and also follow the instructions in the document titled 'Python Farming and Agriculture Software - Beginner' in the resources section. The instructions start from slide 4.
You are also encouraged to look at the link 'What Is Python Used For? A Beginner’s Guide' to gain a better understanding of the vast array of things that Python is used for, from machine learning to building websites and software testing. 

In 2050 earth will be inhabited by 9 billion people. Natural resources will by then have become very scarce.Coding can make harvesting, soil maintenance, weeding, planting, and even fruit picking more effective, efficient and easier, by creating smart algorithms as well as automatic processes and actions.

While writing code and tests can be automated, it’s your personal experince and soft skills such as problem-solving and creativity that make you future-proof, help you grow and progress in a Coding career with in Agriculture sector. A sector which is exploring new technologies – or applications of existing technologies – that include artificially grown hamburgers, chocolates from your 3D printer, algae used for fuel, and salt water cucumbers delivered by drones to your doorstep. There is a good report by the Dutch Government in the documents section that you may find useful in reading, which debates the future of Agriculture - 'The future of technology in agriculture | +Agro'





You have completed the beginner section of the farming and agriculture management software.

By the end of this lesson, your project should look like this (Use this if you get stuck).

Please continue to the intermediate level.


Learning Objectives

  • Develop and understanding of how coding and technology is used in farming
  • Introduction to Python coding including how Python is used
  • Begin journey of curiosity into Coding, by exploring new ways of implementing solutions
  • Understand how your personal lived experience can enhance Coding, connecting your life to Coding
  • Gain confidence regarding coding
  • Begin gaining organisational skills
  • Developing communication skills