
Photo de Cedric Fauntleroy:

Congratulations for getting to the advanced level of the dentistry booking system project!

At this stage of the quest, you will use Python at the advanced level to complete the Dentistry booking system. In addition, you will develop a further understanding on how new technologies impact the dental sector and the importance to develop digital skills to meet new skill requirements in this market.

This project provides an understanding of how technology improves the efficiency of manual labor by improving tasks in terms of their time or conduction. By implementing a dentistry booking system for a dental office, you will understand how coding can improve the daily practices in the dental sector and improve their management. In addition, the introduction of new technologies helps to make better decisions when it comes to organizing work.

Finally, this project contributes to realize in concrete contexts what coding can do and to facilitate the understanding of its potential and processes. Being more familiar with coding develops the ability to envision new opportunities and problem-solving skills.

Ultimately, this project supports the development of women's creativity, confidence, communication, and critical thinking skills, which are essential soft skills for personal development and new career opportunities.


This project will  help you develop an understanding how coding is used in dentistry. As part of the activity, participants will design a software in which the dentistry staff will be able to;

  a) Book Appointments

  b) Clear Appointment slots

  c) View Booking Lists

  d) View Procedure Lists

  e) Calculate Bill

In this last stage of the coding project, we are going to allow the user to calculate an invoice for their patients.


In order to complete the quest and create the software, you have to follow the instructions in the document titled 'Dentistry Booking System -Advanced' in the resources section.

In the resources section, in addition to finding documents and videos that will help you in this quest, other resources are also provided to help with additional skills and knowledge to enhance one's learning of Python programming and employability with new essential soft skills. You are also encouraged to look at the Digital skills Toolkit which will help you to be more familiar with digital skills.

Now that you have reached the advanced level of this coding project and know how important coding can be to empowering women returners, you should check the other resources provided: The  "Best online resources for women who want to learn to code" website, the "#eSkills4Girls- An initiative to promote digital skills for women and girls" document and the "Migrant Women & New Technologies" video raise awareness on why migrant women should learn coding and develop their digital skills. The video resource provided here includes testimonies from migrant women who succeed in digital sector and who are engaged in empowering women through new technologies. It is important to have such role models to help women returners to gain confidence and realize that it is possible to pursue a career in the digital world.




You have learned how to create a dentistry booking system in Pyhton you are now ready to fully complete your tasks and fulfill your coding potential!

You have learned how to:

  • Book Appointments
  • Clear Appointment slots

  • View Booking Lists

  • View Procedure Lists

  • Calculate Bill

You have also gained a better understanding of the importance of  digital and soft skills in the dental sector

Learning Objectives

  • Acquire basic programming skills in Python
  • Develop computational thinking
  • Develop creativity
  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills
  • Implement programming knowledge to real life application
  • Create a code to help a dental office with a simple Dentistry Booking system
  • Learn to create a code that allows a dental office to book appointments and clear appointments slots